Saturday, January 21, 2012

Failure 101

It has been a not so easy week.

I have read somewhere that character is built when you don't get what you want.

This week, I didn't get something I wanted really badly but unlike before (thank God) I didn't spend a second blaming God for it.

Whatever our circumstance God is always good and at the end of the day-- He will turn it around for our good.

Also, no matter what happens, emotions should be in check and kindness must override whatever negativity we feel.

In our generation today, we have the tendency to feel entitled, like failure is not an option. I am not saying that it is wrong to want it but I'm saying God blesses us in different ways-- in far greater ways than we have ever imagined.

So it may seem like a cliche but it's always best to walk away from a shut door so we can truly enjoy the other, wider doors God has freely opened for us.

Have a good opinion of God, He only wants what's best for you.

Trust Him. All is well.

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