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Ted Mosby
once said, “Everyone's got
some baggage; it's part of life.
But like anything else, it's easier when someone gives you a hand with it.”
In life,
everyone over five years old has some sort of baggage: everyone has been
through something and everyone has been hurt and has hurt someone at one point.
We can’t deny it that as we go through our everyday lives, we are bound to encounter people whose views don’t reflect our own and though they may not intentionally want to hurt us – they end up doing so.
It’s a fact
of life that even Disney movies have villains.
McKinney Hammond’s Get Over & On
With It was a book I read in college and I remember distinctly that a
mentor of mine told me, “What is it in your life that you need to get over?”
Six years
later, I finally get her point. The things I needed to “get over” six years ago
are quite different from the things that I experience now. There are days when
I wish I enjoyed my youth instead constantly focusing on the sad parts but then
again, that was teen angst at its finest.
your baggage maybe and whatever you have to get over, I do understand that pain
is not easy to forget.
It’s funny
how life works that we easily forget the good times but cling to the things in
the past that have hurt us tremendously. We rehash moments where we were hurt
and betrayed and suddenly what was supposedly only supposed to last for a
season has turned into a lifetime.
In the book,
which is insanely good and definitely a must read if you have been hurt or have
recently ended a chapter of your life, Mckinney-Hammond shares with us the joy
of moving forward (yes, joy can be found in it!) and when I finally closed the
book after reading it for the third time, I felt the need to share the points
that hit home.
1) Accept
Most of the time when
people hurt us or when things fall apart, we don’t accept things for what it
is. We rationalize what has been done to us and we constantly analyze what we
did wrong without realizing that we’ve been stuck in one place for so long
simply because we have failed to accept the reality of the situation. This has
happened to me countless times, I refused to take off my rose colored glasses
(maybe the only downside of being optimistic) and see the picture for what it
is. I believe in optimism, but I also believe in surrendering. By accepting and
seeing the picture for what it is, we can hand it over to God and say, “I’ve
been hurt & betrayed. I may have also done something that has caused
another pain, I tried my best to remedy the situation but this is where I am
now and I just surrender everything to you.”
It has been said that
when we have done all we can, we simply stand and wait for His mighty hand to
move. But the only way we can do that is by accepting our current situation for
what it is. The faster we accept what is, the faster we can move into the
bright things God has for us.
2) Reevaluate.
While it is easy to place
blame on another for our current situation, we must also take the time to take
a step back and see what we’ve done wrong. Accepting the reality that we may
have also done something wrong doesn’t diminish what another has done towards
us but it makes the pain worth it. It has been pinned, tweeted and tumblr-d
countless times “make your pain worth
it!” and you can do this by becoming better because of it and not bitter.
The truth may sting (of
course, we are all prideful and refuse to admit that we were wrong) but it is
beneficial. A broken relationship can be of great worth if we use it to better
ourselves for the next season of our lives. By reevaluating our lives and our
relationship with others, we can leave room for improvement.
As we reevaluate the
steps we’ve taken that has led us to where we are, we can for Jesus to reveal
the areas we need to improve on and as we do, we see a better version of
ourselves that wasn’t ultimately possible if we didn’t go through the things we
3) Don’t
let the season define you.
so easy to get lost in a season, especially in sad ones. Often when we are
faced with heartbreak we think this is it, this is the end of a happy life. We
often confuse our season with a lifetime. While I understand that life has
different seasons and each season has a purpose, I also believe that no matter
what the season, we can still be joyful.
happiness is dependent on our circumstances, joy is dependent on the beauty of who Jesus is and what He has done
for us. While we refocus on Jesus and the bigger picture, we understand that we
may be hurting right now and we may not know where to go tomorrow if any of our
prayers will ever be answered, we can rest in knowing that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and if He doesn’t
change ever then it means that His
promises will forever remain as well. Which is the best kind of security
around, isn’t it?
understand the toughness of a sad season, I have been there, but don’t let that
make you believe that there are no more happy days ahead. You have the choice
to pick yourself up and pray (and even wrestle) for greater days! Your best
days are ahead of you.
This season maybe tough
but you can be tougher and God can use this time to make you even better
equipped for the great days that He has ahead for you.
toughen it out and wake up each morning expectant of the season where your sun
will shine again—ever so brightly.
4) Rest.
Dealing with heartache is
exhausting so the best way to combat it is simple: rest! By resting, you can gather up energy again and you can
reevaluate your life. You can replenish what has been lost by your crying and
fighting and as you physically rest, you can spiritually stock up as well!
Matthew 11:28 is one of
my most favorite verses in the Bible where Jesus promises that if any of us who
are “burdened and heavy ladened” will find rest in Him. Resting in Jesus means
trusting Him and His nature. It is very important to know who Jesus is, we can
only trust someone we know, as we trust Him, we can eventually let it all go
and rest in His name. In resting in Him, we find ourselves feeling lighter because
we know that finally, someone is taking the burden for us and He is fighting on
our behalf!
Such a refreshing
5) Release
the future.
You can look at the
future in two ways: scary or exciting.
I have always been the
type of person who saw the glass as half-full which maybe the reason why it has
always been easy for me to think that my future is brighter than my today.
However, when we are hurt
or dealing with a loss, we often see our future days as bleak and dark and it
makes us lose hope.
Truth is, we don’t really
know what the future doors, but God said that if we wait patiently for him
(Psalm 27:13-14), we will see His goodness in the land of the living.
This is the reason why we
can be assured that our future is very bright and we can be assured of the fact
that whatever it is that we are going through, we will emerge victorious
because Jesus won the victory for us. Instead of constantly wondering what the
future holds, let us simply pray and declare that it will be good because we serve
a good God! Turn your anxiousness (Philippians 4:6-7) into hope by looking
towards the One who has made hope possible.
Pray for your situation.
Pray for your heart. Pray that God will strengthen it and pray that God will
deposit a different kind of joy each day. Soon enough you will see yourself
celebrating each day (all you have to do is take it one day at a time) and you will see the beauty and fulfillment of all
He has promised.
6) Step
out of your comfort zone.
We all have a plan for
our lives. We have blueprint of the perfect career, the man (or woman) we would
marry, where we would live and so on. God has blessed us all with amazing &
creative minds that can daydream in a second and while that is a good thing, we
must understand that we are not the storyteller
of our lives.
We cannot dictate to our
Creator on how life is going to go or how it will turn out. We can pray to Him
but we cannot be upset when things don’t go our way. I have been there and I
have done that so many times, but the only way I truly enjoyed my life was when
I let go of the stories I made up with my head and trusted Him with the
It’s not pretty. Just
when we think we’ve got life figured out, something happens and bam! we’re left
wondering if we would ever live the life of our dreams.
The good news is: the
dreams God breathed in your heart will come true one day and in His time, but
we have to understand that the journey God has for us maybe different from what
we have envisioned but that shouldn’t be a cause of panic. When life turns out
extremely different from what we have expected it to be, we must not give up,
but instead cling harder to the Vine. Ask Him to renew your hope and ask Him to
open your heart to the many possibilities He has prepared for us.
Be open! Life may not be turning out the way you have written but God does not disappoint. Just think of how your parents are with you (or any mentor you look up to or love with all your heart), there were times when they said “no” to something you wanted so badly simply because they saw the bigger picture and knew that you were meant for more.
Our God’s love for us is
perfect and He will never lead us to a road that we will not enjoy. Once we put
our hands up and say, “God, take the wheel!” that is when we open our lives to
many beautiful possibilities God has for us and I assure you it is far greater
than anything we have asked, hoped, prayed for and imagined (Ephesians 3:23)!
Bank on that!
7) Forgive.
reality, the pain of our lives is often linked to someone.
there is big, bad culprit lurking behind the reason why we feel so bad. And
while it is so easy to inflict the same kind of pain towards the one who has
caused us tremendous grief, what would be the point? We would be perpetuating a
cycle instead of ending it.
the end of the day, we can choose to constantly rehash the pain caused by
another while that person moves on or we can simply give it to Jesus (you can
cry, oh yes you can cry!) and simply believe that He can use your pain, turn it
around and use it for your advantage.
longer we hold on to pain, the longer we stay in a dark pit. Get yourself out
of that hole and believe that God will take care of His children. Pray for God to
heal you so you won’t even thinking of getting that person back.
is a different kind of satisfaction in knowing that while you may have had the
opportunity to fight back, you didn’t. God will give you joy and happiness
double what you’ve lost.
have already taken your joy once, don’t give them the power of taking it away
from you every single day.
time to start living for you.
are you no matter what has been done to you.
8) Trust
the Process.
The process maybe tedious
and you might feel like you have been there forever, but believe that God has
you where He has you right now and when you are ready, He will take your promised land, in due time.
Your circumstances may
stretch you to the point of you screaming, “I don’t want to be here anymore!”
but believe that every tear, everytime
you do something kind instead of acting you how you really feel, God is
rewarding you and moving you slowly to where He promised He will take you.
Everytime you feel like giving up, remember Romans 8:28, “All things work together for the good”. Every step, no matter how small, is getting you there – just keep walking and you will find the journey quite enjoyable.
Yes, everyone’s got
baggage, but you don’t have to be the
person who is carry thousands of them at the end of the road. Be the person who
discards what isn’t needed and only takes the valuables.
Let go of the baggage and
the journey will definitely be lighter.
“If you really believe that God loves you and wants the best for you, you must believe that everything is working toward the greater good in your situation. Because it all does, pure & simple.” – Michelle McKinney Hammond
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